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Commonly asked questions with answers.
As with anything new we understand that there are always some questions associated with it. This section addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about the NSCA. We hope it provides you with some insight into our association.
The National Stem Cell Association filed for and received formal certification as a 501(C)6 from the Internal Revenue Service and has filed for and received its Employee Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. Registration as a 501(C)6 permits NSCA to engage in advocacy and lobbying initiatives on behalf of all of its members. NSCA has filed its bylaws and corporate charter with the State of Texas, and has elected its Board of Directors in its first annual meeting. Banking accounts have been established along with the ability to manage secure online and offline transactions.
Yes – as a 501(C)6 non-profit organization – your monthly dues are tax deductible as an ordinary business expense. NSCA will send you a notice of all contributions made by you for the prior year for use in preparation of your corporate tax return.
Yes – NSCA working with National Write Your Congressman (NWYC) will mount a multi-level campaign to identify and inform the critical representatives in Washington and at the state level regarding the benefits and safety of stem cell therapy as practiced by the majority of stem cell providers in the U.S. today.
This will consist of several parts:
Yes – NWYC is the largest privately held, non-partisan membership organization in the U.S. made up of small businesses. It represents 80 associations and 80,000 small businesses across the country with almost six decades of experience in promoting the interests of its constituencies. NWYC helps organizations craft their messages and present them in the most efficacious manner to the representatives that matter the most.
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