Associate Membership

Benefits & Privileges

Associate Level Benefits

  • Access to NSCA’s “Stem Cell Legislation Right Now” – Breaking stem cell industry legislative & regulatory updates providing immediate access to the most important current legislative efforts affecting stem cell therapy – local and national – plus interaction with Congressional staffers to insert preferred language.
  • Quarterly NSCA Newsletter – synopsis of NSCA activities, plans, events and strategies.
  • Breaking Stem Cell Industry News Updates – Local and National
  • “Grass Roots” Advocacy Organization – Call to action to NSCA member “satisfied  clients” to support favorable legislative and regulatory efforts nationally.  Enhance public awareness of key issues and trends affecting future stem cell therapy access.  Will also include “action alerts” that will be prepared by NSCA staff to be shared by each provider with their patients, who will in turn contact their national Senators and Congressman to provide preferred outcomes on upcoming legislation (this is a very powerful and effective method for influencing Congress).
  • Invitation to NSCA’s national stem cell advocacy and regulatory conference.

"Progress and advances in medical technology require reliable and thorough clinical data, both to chart improving outcomes and to ensure safety. NSCA will establish comprehensive national registries for its members to document efficacy and safety, and to let its members know what forms of regenerative medicine are best for patients for particular indications over time."

Jay Macfarland

Vice President, Board Member, National Stem Cell Association

$90 per month / per clinic*

or $1000* per year/per clinic

(use "AML365" discount code at checkout)

*Recurring charge